Auburn Circle
Fall 2020
The Auburn Circle is Auburn University’s Literary Magazine. Students submit work to be published every semester. Each issue is between 80 - 100 pages and is professionally printed and distributed to students for free.
Pastel colors inspired by the cover created a fun and light aesthetic.
Burford Dots - Display
Verlag - Titles and Body Copy
These typefaces played together really well to achieve a lively yet sophisticated appearance. Burford adds a playful element, while Verlag creates sharp and clean lines.
When organizing so much content, it was crucial to make sure my design didn’t take away from any of the students’ works. I wanted to keep spreads very clean so that the elements on the page remained the star of the show. To play off Burford Dots, I implemented these dotted lines to help guide the eye through each spread in order to encourage the reader to keep moving from spread to spread.